Change the default settings in your router Make the default username of your manufacturer's router a unique one that is unable to be deciphered by anyone else. Take a look at the content on routerlogin. one to learn more about the router configurations. Create a strong password. Don't keep your personal information, nicknames, or other information for a password. Keep changing your password regularly. If you do not alter your password of default you are at risk that an attacker could change the password to suit his needs by locking out your router. Don't give your passwords to anyone else. If you do, attackers have access to all computers’ files and bring fresh viruses, as well as malware to your network, which could affect your system and devices. Look for security options and choose WPA2 If available, or choose WPA instead of WEP. Keep your router's software up to date. It is vital to update since all your data is transmitted via your router. Use IP Scanner The Angry IP Scanner program is one of the programs that is free for scanning networks. It scans quickly for IP addresses and other data about the devices in your network. Once the scanner has been scanned, all connections will be listed along with their MAC address as well as the IP address and name. IP scanners have a portable version and can be downloaded for free within the system. The scanner will not create any additional folders or files on your system, except for those that are temporarily needed to run the application. It runs on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. IP Scanner is able to scan hundreds of computers in just a few minutes. As with this scanner, you can also find different scanners, such as Advanced IP Scanner, which allow you to scan your network. Update your Router Firmware The firmware update can make the router function more efficiently or even eliminate bugs. It also assists users in improving the speed of internet access. Download the firmware on the site and is generally accessible in the form of a zip file. Download the firmware and then log into the router's web interface, then go to the section that allows you to upgrade the firmware. It's usually in the Administration and Setting up, or Tools area. In this area, click the update button, then wait until the update process is completed Do not stop the process, after which you can save your settings. The majority of routers come with auto-updates to the firmware. In that scenario, it will upload the firmware to update itself. Use a VPN VPN gives a certain level of security to computers and internet users, preventing them from accessing your personal data. It creates a private network that is not connected to a public internet connection. Your data is kept private and safe. When you want to connect with a VPN Go to Settings after which Network and Internet and then VPN. Choose Connect and then set your password. If you notice that your internet speed is not as fast don't use the VPN at your home. Internet providers might know that you're using a VPN but are not able to track the activity of your internet. Therefore, using legitimate VPN providers could help in protecting your privacy. VPN is usually employed when you use the internet in a public space. If your Wi-Fi isn't secure, hackers may steal usernames and passwords used to log into your bank accounts or other websites. They also have access to your e-mail accounts, as well as some private information. Avoid sharing your screen When you're in the course of a meeting, you might be required to share your screen. Prior to you share your screen make sure you do not open any windows. Shut down all unnecessary windows you don't want to be sharing. The act of opening files that you do not require is an indication of unease. There is a risk that you could accidentally reveal something you didn't intend to. Certain social media sites require users to provide personal details. Sharing this information may permit others to gain access to your accounts. Webcams may accidentally expose your pictures and relatives to other people as they gather information that allows them to access your accounts.

5 Tips for a Cyber Secure Home Experience
Cyber security is defined as a process that protects servers, computers as well and data from cyber-attacks. It is usually carried out by criminal mentality. They do it through the desire for revenge, pleasure, or desire to gain, or even to distribute illicit information, images, or any other type of material. They target businesses that have a large amount of money circulating. Each year, a large number of companies and individuals are the victims of cyber-crimes. Anyone who uses the internet must take essential precautions to ensure that personal information and confidential data are safe.
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